From the parrot’s beak: 6/16

Take a peek at this week’s “beak”. – Photo by George Sommers

HUGE HOOKBILL HEIST; TROPICAL BIRD “ATTACK”: The TPA Aviary is down to 291 birds after 9 were stolen on the weekend of 6/8. On Sunday 6/9, keepers at the Frankfort, Indiana zoo went to the aviary for morning feeding, only to notice several birds were missing. Someone had cut a square hole into a net and stole the birds, according to Frankfort Parks Superintendent Joel Tatum. Apparently the thief or thieves knew what they were doing as they nabbed some of the most desirable and expensive species; a haul worth some $30,000. The abductees included four macaws, three Amazons, an African grey and an African ringneck parakeet. A police investigation is underway and a local resident has offered to put up a $1000 reward. While reporting on the heist TV reporter Vinny Martorano was “attacked by an exotic bird” (likely a turaco). The incident was captured on camera and posted on Facebook, but the accompanying “attack” headline was scoffed at by several commenters as it appears the bird just flew to and perched momentarily on his head and then flew off. – For more, including video: Also see:,the%20birds%20to%20be%20stolen.

TRAGEDY: Fire has burned down Pet Zone in Jatujak Weekend Market in Thailand; one of the biggest pet trade centers of the world. More than 1000 pets’ lives were lost including some hundred birds. –From Bird Addicts.

There were times when the White House was also a bird house. – From Facebook

PRESIDENTS ‘N’ PARROTS:– Dogs (and the occasional cat) are the preferred pets of modern presidencies, but that hasn’t always been the case. Martha Washington, owned a parrot, which George apparently did not like. Historical accounts note that up until the days before Martha’s death, a cockatoo resided in the back piazza of Mount Vernon, which her physician described as being quite fond of her. James Madison’s wife, Dolley, had a green parrot in the White House. She was known to enter a reception room with her parrot on her shoulder as a way to interact with shy guests. The parrot outlived both James And Dolley. Andrew Jackson owned an African grey named Polly, whom he taught how to swear. Polly allegedly caused quite a disruption during Jackson’s funeral and had to be escorted out. Ulysses S. Grant is described in historical references as owning a parrot. William McKinley’s patriotic yellow head Amazon , named Washington Post, could whistle “Yankee Doodle.” Teddy Roosevelt owned several birds—including a Hyacinth Macaw named Eli Yale. It’s said that Roosevelt was intimidated by the parrot’s beak. Dwight D. Eisenhower’s parakeet, Gabby, died while he was in office and was buried in the southwest corner of the White House grounds. John F. Kennedy’s daughter Caroline owned a pair of parakeets named Bluebell and Marybelle, Lyndon B. Johnson was the last president on record sharing his White House days with parrots, apparently lovebirds. – From

HEY NOW, YOU’RE AN ALL STAR: Fresh off a triumphant appearance on “Stupid Pet Tricks” along with Jesse, her roller skating blue and gold macaw; Debbie Goodrich, the Parrot Lady; and her Parrot Ambassadors will be featured at .the LA Pet Fair with Flight Club Foundation. The fair is sponsored by Avicultural Society of America and the Organization of Professional Aviculturists. See next week’s HOT DATES for details.

PSITTACINEMA: When ‘too meets dinosaur. Down the stairs Dino!! #barneythewestcoastcockatoo

BUMMER OF THE WEEK: “My son’s girlfriend lost a cockatiel a few minutes ago in Somerset [MA}.Her family just got it from Petco and the box broke as they were getting out of the car and the bird flew away. Have no info has a leg band don’t have the number.” – Facebook post; no contact info available.

PIRATES ‘N’ PARROTS:  Long John Silver, of Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Treasure Island”, was the first fictional pirate to walk around with a pet parrot. Strangely enough, there is scarce historical documentation of the the parrot/pirate pairing. However, “The parrot trope is almost certainly grounded in reality,” says Colin Woodard, author of “The Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down. The Golden Age of Piracy, roughly from the mid-1600s through around 1730 dovetailed European discovery of America and Australia and a boom in international trade. Pirates traveled to exotic lands, had free time and disposable income, and no reason to restrict themselves to ordinary pets like cats and dogs. Parrots don’t eat much, compared to a dog or a monkey, and what they do eat (seeds, fruits, nuts) can be easily stored on board. For a pirate (or sailor) wanting to show off in port, a parrot would do nicely. – From

Geez, you’d think they would have used a buzzard. – Photo by George Sommers

ANOTHER MOVIE PARROT: A golden conure led Dakota Fanning’s character out of the woods in “The Others” and this week, Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ terminally ill character is guided by Death in the form of a macaw. The macaw seems like an odd choice – after all, Edgar Allen Poe thought parrots were too gaudy and instead chose a somberly clad “The Raven” Still, this macaw appears rather bedraggled and well worn..

DIDJA KNOW: Ringneck parakeets have the largest natural distribution of any parrot species. Their range extends across Central Africa into India, with naturalized populations established in the UK and Japan.From World Parrot Trust.

PARROTS IN THE WILD – CRUNCHING THE NUMBERS: The number of living parrot species, excluding subspecies now comes to: 411.. Living parrot species, including subspecies,comes to: 747. There have been many changes according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s list and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. In most cases, both databases agree although the IUCN Red List has elevated some former subspecies to full species status. There have even been changes in genera names for certain species. Bucking the usual trend, some species are actually increasing in numbers including red-tailed Amazons, grey-breasted conures, Lear’s macaws and yellow-eared parrots. It appears that most of the species seeing population increases are from Australia. –From Facebook

TV NOTES:: Vandal, a blue & gold macaw, appeared on “Toon in with Me” a weekday morning compilation of cartoon interspersed with live action segments on MeTV. Owner Nadia hit all the right notes; saying Vandal is a rescue bird and explaining why birds are given up to rescues including noise, longetivity and destructiveness. –“If I can get past that parrot in the pet store window” reasons a bird and party phobic Sheldon, on a classic “Big Bang Theory” as he’s being persuaded to attend to his own birthday party.

HOT DATES: 6/14: Ask the Vet with Tom Tully, DVM, DABVP (Avian Practice), DECZM (Avian)  3 p.m. EDT  –  Lafeber Zoom webinar — 6/15-22: THE GOOD LIFE TIPS AND ESSENTIALS: Self paced online class. For info: Maryland Budgerigar Society Regional Show Millsboro, DE — Feathers Edge Cockatiel Club – Class C Show  Houston, TX — Feathers Edge Cockatiel Club – Class C Show  Houston, TX — 6/19-23: SUMMER VIBES AUCTION: Great items are up for bid. All proceeds benefit the parrots of The Oasis Sanctuary.– 6/19: OWL BE THERE:  Long Island Parrot Society of New York, Inc. presents Carl Safina, author of “Alfie and Me, What Owls Know, What Humans Believe” as guest speaker. It’s the story of an orphan Eastern screech owl in Safina’s care. The in person meeting will include happy hour, with drinks and light refreshments from 6:30-7:30; presentation at 7:30 with book sale and signing immediately afterwards and raffles will be called at the conclusion of the meeting.. On the raffle table, a vintage, signed and numbered print! Anyone on Facebook invited, but RSVP was required by 6/12. Greenwood Hall, 58 Greenwood Avenue, East Islip NY. Dedicated private parking lot, handicapped accessible. — 6/21: The Grey Way: Designing a Bird Room for Maximum Enrichment with Lisa Bono, CPBC . 3 p.m. EDT Lafeber Zoom webinar — 6/22: Target Training with Cassie Malina, CPBC, CPBT-KA 1 p.m. EDT.  Phoenix Landing  Zoom webinar — 6/23: Jacksonville Bird Expo  Jacksonville, FL — THINGS I WISH I’D KNOWN: Parrot Care Class. Comprehensive parrot care class for new and experienced alike, Great for the whole family! Topics include health, safety, nutrition, enrichment, behavior and companionship. Essential class for Phoenix Landing foster and adoption applicants. Q & A at end of class. No cost to attend. Space is limited. Call (904) 256-0043 to get on the list, or message on Facebook. Exotic Bird Hospital 11744 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, FL. 1-3 p.m.

LOST: Parakeet ‘Freyja” White/grey-blue. Weymouth, MA. (617) 851-8292. — LOST: Parakeet ‘Frances’; green/yellow Huntington, NY. (631) 8B7-5765 — LOST: Blue/white budgie, male, not tamed Bethpage, NY. Contact — FOUND: Blue/yellow parakeet Happauge NY. Has leg band. (631) 708-2382. — LOST: African grey ‘Lars’ Long island, NY. (631) 375-6331.

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